
Related to LO3

Due to time restrictions it has been very very difficult to complete this part of my learn outcomes, that being to create a portfolio to showcase my work.

My original plan was to look at creating a showreel. The Audio Cookbook ,has some create information and guidance for creating a showreel. They recommend that it be kept around 4 minutes long, to start of with your best work, get feedback etc. After a bit of research I looked at a few showreels and how they looked on a website. I first looked at Soho Square Studios.

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There reel follows a lot of the guidelines the audio cookbook recommends. Their video is around 5 minutes long and the titles of the adverts are listed on the side, which is really effective. I also looked at one of the competitors of Soho Square Studios, Factory.

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This isn’t really a showreel, but a portfolio of work, clearly displayed with the names and category of what the clip is. I felt that because of how much time I had to complete my portfolio, it would be quicker and easier to make one like this, than edit up a ‘showreel’ as such. In the end this is what my portfolio looks like:




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This will have further developments once the project is over. I wish keep it the way it looks here, however add a large video above it which will include a showreel, much like soho Square studios, and that follows the guidelines of the audio cook book.




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