“This was an impressive artefact, completed to a standard that would have not been possible had you not approached the project with diligence, maturity and professionalism. The nature of the film meant that you had some difficult creative and technical challenges to overcome, largely due to the very minimalist nature of some of the scenes (hardly any dialogue going on at the beginning of the piece), as well as challenging outdoor locations for filming (the cornfield for example).
On the whole, the location capture was good, although I think you would have probably thanked yourself during mix-down if you had captured some more wild track material. This would have given you substantially more ammo when trying to create compelling atmospheres – particularly at the beginning where the tension was utterly dependent on the audio. There were some technical problems that were a little distracting, which could have been resolved with some more diligence in the edit. There were sync problems @ 4:25 and 4:31 where Schafer’s cutlery noises didn’t lock with the picture, and some transitions in ambience were clunky (1:26 for example). As mentioned though, the level of detail required here was high given the fact that there was hardly anything going on, and as a result the audio ambiences were very exposed to the audience. However, that was the nature of the film, so a little more attention to detail would have helped here.
On balance, though, your music mix levels were very good and certain bits of foley were very well executed (10:32). Whilst watching, there were times where it was impossible to tell what was foley and what wasn’t. Job done!
On occasion, I found that the tonality of some of the speech was harsh and could’ve done with some more refinement in terms of compression and EQ; 6:24 and 8:07 were examples that stuck out for me. There was a nasty HF glitch noise @12:28 which should have been filtered using a low pass filter.
Personally, I found the overall mix a little too dynamic for my tastes. I would have compressed the mix and its elements a little harder. However, this was not the opinion of the director of the film (as mentioned in your blog), and I’m impressed that you were aware of and took on board these mix instructions from them.
Please bear in mind that these details do not detract from the hard work that was put into this project by you. In short, I think that what you’ve achieved here is an impressive accomplishment, especially in light of the fact that you got involved with this project quite late in the day. Well done Jack.”
Attach Link from previous project.
I will be using the feedback from my previous project to determine the type of research I will conduct. Just using the feedback the kind of things I will need to look into include:
- Capturing more wild-track material during the location sound recording process
- Pay more attention to details such as sync problems
- Research more into EQ and compression used in films and how to use it effectively
One of the main issues in my last project was time and labour issues, and these issues really did effect the quality of work. Therefore I will need to ensure I recruit some help, especially on the location sound side of things, and ensure that I am managing time effectively.